Monday, September 21, 2009

Some stuff

In the relatively mundane moments I tend to find myself hypothesising about all kinds of things.

For instance: when I woke up this morning I began to think about the occlusion of time through teleportation. Temporal ambiguity has been a big theme lately for me. It seems that most things have a complex relational dynamic between past, present and future. Thus I suspect those leggings I have seen so much lately with jagged rips and faux denim have traversed some kind of space/time dichotomy for occularly challenged individuals who cannot actually see what it is they are wearing. It is not so much the catastrphic failings of their anatomy per se; rather they are trapped in a teleport-omatic vaccum where the real aesthetic of all things occurs as a bleary drift somewhere in their unconscious while the present aesthetic of an actual physical entity appears as a hypermediated photo montage of trash fashion rags.

Let's wage a campaign to support fashion victims the world over y'all!