Monday, June 30, 2008

"Let's hear it for the boys!" Lamentation

Did I do something wrong? Did I do something right?
I find your lack of compassion and inarticulate sms discourse disturbing.

Did your mother not hold you long enough as a child? Was your father a woman- hating misogynist? Did you have a nasty older sister?

You pulled away in public when I wanted to be affectionate, to show that you were mine. You preferred to sleep on the other side of the bed, and were awkward when I wanted to be held afterwards.

I saw you a hundred times in my minds eye metamorphosing into a human being, but of course it was only a fantasy.

I shudder to think of how many others have been fooled by your pretence to care. I wonder if you were this nonchalant as a little boy. I know I would not have asked you to play in the playground.

But now you are a man, and you do not realise the affect you have. Your hurtful words turn us to stone, and wring out every drop of affection. I am an ice-queen because of you. You son of a bitch.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

beautiful bags

I've been obsessing over designer bags lately (mostly the Prada Fairy bags) but don't have a spare 3k (who does?) so I'm trying to find appetising alternatives. Etsy didn't disappoint and I found valhallabrooklyn.

This one has a really unique design but it's also quite classic.

I just need to decide now. They're a world away from Prada Fairy bags but far more practical and totally affordable. Opinionzzz?

Thursday, June 12, 2008

men to boyz

In the never ending cycle of dating disasters that characterise the last five or so years of my life I have noted one constant- the men i meet are in firm denial that they are in fact adults. Some choose to obscure this with the trappings of an adult life- a stable home, an adult job, older wiser friends and so on...Others go further and lead the lives of 60 year old retirees- the TV guide has become their bible. I suppose the 'new horizons' residents are truer to their inner child- given that life is supposed to be circular, or whatever. Anyway, wherever they are apparently situated on the age by activity continuum peter pan still seems to be their guru. I'm talking about emotional maturity, self-awareness, perpective and other stuff that is supposed to accompany the development of human beings- which hasn't really been there with the 'blokes' I've met. The forties are the new thirties are the new twenties- have those years of character building been politely excused with the invigorated identity of forty year olds?! After that there's the mid-life crisis anyway and life expectancy is on the up and up.

All I can say is I think i give up!
goodnight friends..

Thursday, June 5, 2008

My Name is Marc Pease

this movie can only be amazing. I can't wait.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

corporate whore

I have recently started working for a major project management company (they are going to be managing redevelopment of the Carlton United Brewery on Broadway, a big fucking deal, and yes, they are going to be keeping both the Clare and the Abercrombie hotels) and I'm currently supporting the team responsible for rolling out many orange-and-white Banks across Australia. I work in a Clarence St skyscraper (going to the 27th floor ultra-corporate reception is like visiting another planet) smack bang in the middle of the financial district, but main office is north of the bridge (of which it has an excellent view).

Last night involved drinks at a lovely pub, tab and nibbles (and my taxi home) courtesy of The Bank. It was my first time actually having to mingle with the sort of people who'd been blissfully snapped up by those corporate graduate programs post finance-and-accounting degrees and I felt like an alien, fleeing to the comfort zone of the designers. They accepted me as I was, a confused psych graduate with mean filing and touch typing skills, and we munched happily on our hummus and sipped the (bloody great) Merlot. They encouraged me to take up design. I don't know if I'm ready for another degree and an extra 12K HECS debt.

What the fuck is finance anyway? It's not economics, it's not accounting, you don't actually work in a bank, you work in a tower and you look at spreadsheets. WHAT. DO. THEY. DO. I sit near one of the MANY finance departments of The Bank and last week overheard the following:

"Hello, Finance. Lucy speaking."
[insert bank-speak blather]
Lucy: "Well, 11 million minus four million is about seven million, so..."
me: "What the fuuuuuuuuuck"
[insert inane bank-speak dialogue]
Lucy: "Yeah. So just send it through and..."
[more blather]

I also sit near a bunch of people who appear to do NOTHING but talk about investing all day, including one very short man who talks so loudly on his mobile phone ("HI BARRY YEAH I GOT THAT EMAIL YOU CCD ME IN ON AND I THINK WE SHOULD MOVE FORWARD") my boss threatens to kill him. Then there's the internal auditors who are very quiet and seem scared of us, but one guy makes really subtle hilarious jokes and you almost miss them because they're delivered in this perfect monotone. And then there's the Other staff, and I can't figure out what they do, besides wear extremely ugly Bank uniforms, eat catering and bugger up the lifts because they can't all fit in one at the same time.

Only there two days a week and they've already offered me a raise (where I come from, NGO and NFP organisations, this is fucking unheard of) so I'm honestly considering going full time. In this weird way the whole insane Bank world is keeping me sane because it's just so hilarious.